“Learning is the engine of practice, and practice is the history of that learning.”

― Etienne Wenger, Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity

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What is a community of practice?

‘Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly’.

This is a quote from Etienne Wenger who coined the term. He continues to publish prolifically, with his partner Beverly Wenger-Trayner. See their website to learn more.

Who can join?

You don’t need to be an organisational psychologist to join. Are you a practitioner who is interested in created change at a systems level, willing to critically reflect and contribute to the learning of peers? Then you are welcome to join us.

What do you do?

We meet face to face, once a month. We use a simple model of action learning. We invite one member to bring a peer reviewed article and summarise the findings. We share stories of practice and reflect on how the knowledge in the article relates to our own experiences. The aim is to build relationships, deepen our practice and support colleagues, locally (as well as tick off some CPD requirements).

“When we are acting, we often don't have the time to be deliberate about what we are doing.  The "theories" we draw on are intuitive theories.  In review and planning our theories can be made explicit.”

Bob Dick

our shared space

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